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Ungathered Thoughts

Lando + Memcache + Memcacheadmin

I had not heard of hatamiarash7/Memcached-Admin before today, and got nerdsniped by someone telling me they had trouble setting it up for their local development with SilverStripe. So, here's a recipe.

name: test
type: memcached
type: compose
app_mount: false
image: hatamiarash7/memcached-admin:latest
command: docker-php-entrypoint apache2-foreground
- 80
# This needs configuring to the hostname shown from `lando info`
MEMCACHED_HOST: "memcached.test.internal"

This will bring up a small Lando stack with only memcached and memcached-admin, and the only URL output will be for the admin interface. This example is mostly for lifting into an existing project, and as an example of how to utilise a Docker image as part of a Lando stack using a compose service.

Note that MEMCACHED_HOST contains the name of the project in the hostname - this will need updating to match the project it's being dropped into.

Oh and another thing

I also want to give a shout out to how you can overlay configs in Lando, so I can add .lando.local.yml to .gitignore, and then put the "extras" into the local file only. This means I can have a regular project .lando.yml:


# Lots of project specific config here.
name: whatever
type: lamp

And then isolate whatever whimsical things I'm doing - eg test out services or tooling in a local sandbox - without it showing up in the main configuration.


# Stuff I'm messing with and don't want to track in git.
type: memcached
type: compose
app_mount: false
image: hatamiarash7/memcached-admin:latest
command: docker-php-entrypoint apache2-foreground
- 80
# This needs configuring to the hostname shown from `lando info`
MEMCACHED_HOST: "memcached.whatever.internal"
# Random example tooling made up to demo adding that as well.
service: memcached
- apt -y update
- apt -y install netcat
user: root
service: memcached
- echo "version" | nc memcached.test.internal 11211
- nc memcached.test.internal 11211

This to me is a tidy way to stash things in a file that means I can retain a modification locally while hopping between branches. I can copy the day's tooling or services into the main .lando.yml when the time is right.